Chocolate Quiz #1

(For Your Intellectual Nourishment)
1. Which is not a type of cacao bean?
a) Criollo
b) Forestero
c) Trinitario
d) Sabroso

2. Which cacao bean makes up less than 10% of the world's harvest each year?
a) Criollo
b) Forestero
c) Trinitario
d) Sabroso

3. Name the country where cacao trees do not grow.
a) Ecuador
b) Togo
c) Switzerland
d) United States

4. What is conching?
a) cacao bean shelling process
b) chocolate stirring and kneading process
c) cacao bean harvesting process

5. Women eat more chocolate than men.
a) true
b) false

6. Among dark chocolate connoisseurs, men eat more dark chocolate than women.
a) true
b) false

7. How many pounds of chocolate per year does the average American eat?
a) 8.5
b) 12
c) 18
d) 26

8. How may pounds of chocolate per year does the average Swiss eat?
a) 8.5
b) 12
c) 18
d) 26

9. What chemical does chocolate naturally contain that is produced by the brain when a person is in love?
a) quimica romantica
b) phenylethylamine
c) être amoureux

10. Which of the following is incorrect? Cocoa mothers are...
a) shade trees that protect young cacao plants from the sun.
b) banana trees, coconut palms, lemon and baobab trees.
c) mothers who drink hot cocoa at soccer games.


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