1. The upward pull on an aircraft is known as... |
2. The first known unmanned balloon was constructed by... |
3. The first manned flight was in a balloon in France on November 21, 1783. The aeronaut(s) was/were... |
4. Amelia Earhart was alone when she disappeared. |
5. Charles Lindbergh made the first solo crossing of the Atlantic in... |
6. How long was Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic? |
7. Which of the Wright brothers was the first to fly their famed Flyer One aircraft on December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina? |
8. How long was the first Wright brothers flight? |
9. Which balloonist was mocked as being mad when he spoke of flying engine-driven balloons? |
10. In 1907, the Aerial Experiment Association was established by... |